
Toddler | 22 mo - 3 yrs

Dr. Maria Montessori, the Italian educator and scientist who, more than 100 years ago, developed the system of education that bears her name, knew that during the period from birth to age 3, your child’s brain develops more rapidly than at any other time, and more learning takes place than at any other stage of development.

The Montessori toddler classrooms are simpler and slower paced than the Montessori preschool rooms for three to six year olds. Tables and chairs are smaller and the teacher-child ratio is lower. The atmosphere is positive, supportive and non-competitive and includes a lot of singing and physical movement.

The toddler Montessori materials are specifically structured to meet the developmental needs of toddlers and to support their need for purposeful activity.

The Montessori toddler classroom focuses on two main areas, language development and acquiring skills for independence and social interactions.

Year Round

Throughout the year we practice social skills and conversational language, strengthen fine motor skills, expand gross motor abilities, explore the world of science and so much more.


During the toddler years of life there is a great need for disciplined work paired with the natural desire to learn. It is a time of order, exactness, and repetition.


  • Child must be 2 years old by the time they start.

  • There are typically between 4 and 6 children in each class.

  • A trained Montessori teacher is supported by a trained assistant.

  • Toilet training is not required.